Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

Caltrans Local Assistance Day

Posted: 7/16/2024

WEBINAR: August 13, 2024, 8:30AM - 11:30AM PT [CLOSED]

The Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA) invites you to join its Local Assistance Day statewide webinar, a quarterly event meant to inform RTPAs, MPOs, local agencies, and other interested transportation parties.

Local Assistance Day subjects cover information sharing, local project delivery policies, processes, procedures, and facilitating peer-sharing of best practices.

Planned Topics Include:

  • Local Assistance Updates
  • Critical Dates for Fed/State Programs (Project End Dates, Inactive Projects, Timely Use of Funds, Reversion Dates)
  • Single Audit Report Package & Exemption Letters
  • Updates from Office of Local Civil Compliance
  • Download the agenda!

These webinars are free and attendance is encouraged for anyone who works with Caltrans local assistance processes for local or tribal agencies.

Register now to attend or contact DLA with any questions.
Learn more about this and other upcoming training by visiting
Training Catalog or Training Calendar.

This Event is Closed

Caltrans Division of Local Assistance

DLA oversees over $1B in annual funding that California's 600+ cities, counties, and regional agencies use to improve their transportation infrastructure and provide transportation services.

This represents roughly 1,200 new projects authorized annually through the Local Assistance Program, of which ~700 are construction related.

Need More Help?

California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872