Traffic Eng & Safety

Travel safety, complete streets, advanced signal tech, and VMT as a metric for environmental analysis in California

California MUTCD Overview & Updates

This four-session online workshop emphasizes application areas of the new edition of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets & Highways (MUTCD) through a combination of expert presentations, discussion, and Q&A. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or completely new to the field, bring your issues and experience to this class to further your knowledge.

  • Are you aware California adopted a new MUTCD standard on March 10, 2023? The revised CA MUTCD 2014 Revision 7 includes policy revisions addressing eight specific CTCDC recommendations to Caltrans since March 30th, 2021, and other corrections and format changes.

  • Are you aware of your company or public agency's requirements to follow this document related to transportation projects?

  • Are you wondering how the prior Caltrans Traffic Manual (California Supplement to the MUTCD) and the most recent federal version relate to each other and to your work?

  • Do you know the status of some of the more significant changes to the CA MUTCD, such as signal timing parameters, pedestrian and bicycle traffic controls, traffic signs, and speed zones?

  • Would you like to find out how other California practitioners are applying these new standards and guidelines successfully?

  • Would you like to benefit from their real-world transportation experience in both the public and private sides of the industry, and be able to apply their "lessons learned" to your projects spanning traffic control devices, signage, traffic signals, school zones, pavement markings, and the latest requirements and guidance for these?

  • Do you want to hear about some of the changes that have been approved for 2021 and some changes that may occur in the future?

Learn where your prior traffic control device applications still apply or have become outdated, fully understand where and how California practice differs from federal practice, and pick-up wide-ranging good practices in applying these standards to new and existing transportation facilities in California. 

Additional course detail is provided in the sections below.

  • Course Topics
    • Important changes due to the adoption of the CA MUTCD March 2014 Rev 7
    • How the prior California Supplement and Traffic manuals still/don't apply
    • California state versus federal differences
    • Best practices, issues, and errors encountered by practitioners
    • Rules and requirements for speed zones and the law of the real-world tips
    • Application of warning signs and key curve advisory standards
    • Differences between and applications of guide, warning, and regulatory signs
    • Improperly used signs
    • Application and recent changes to traffic signal warrants
    • Traffic signal timing parameters and operations
    • Latest in Bikeway traffic control treatments
    • School area traffic controls devices, recent changes and application
    • Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons and Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
    • Temporary traffic control and worksite safety
  • Course Outline

    Session 1 (2 hours)

    • Introduction to CA MUTCD
    • Document Approach
    • Recent Revisions
    • Markings
    • Bicycle Applications

    Session 2 (2 hours)

    • General Information About Signs
    • Regulatory Signs
    • Warning Signs
    • Guide and Other Signs

    Session 3 (2 hours)

    • MUTCD History, Process & News
    • Traffic Signals
    • Railroad Crossings

    Session 4 (2 hours)

    • Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons & Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons
    • School Signage, Markings, Speed Reduction, Beacons, & Safety
    • Temporary Traffic Control & Worksite Safety
  • What you will learn

    Attendees will gain practical skills on how to use and apply the MUTCD and the California MUTCD to their traffic engineering work, with emphasis on application areas that often pose difficulties for practitioners, including: recent changes, speed zoning, traffic signal operations, school area traffic controls, and where California practice differs significantly from federal practice.

    Attendees will learn best practices and lessons learned in applying the MUTCD to both new and existing transportation facilities in California.

    Attendees are encouraged to bring issues/experience at work for discussion.

  • Who should attend

    This four-session online class will benefit traffic engineers, planners, and technicians who work in the various facets of traffic engineering. The workshop will also benefit other individuals who wish to learn about applications of the CA MUTCD to traffic engineering practice.

    Individuals with or without prior knowledge of the CA MUTCD will benefit.

  • Course Prerequisites

      Attendees are encouraged to bring issues/experience at work for discussion.

  • Course Instructors

      Crystal Killian, PE, Transportation Engineer, City of Los Angeles

      Ms. Killian is a Professional Civil Engineer and a Traffic Engineer with more than 20 years of transportation engineering experience with the City of Los Angeles in the Department of Transportation. She has been involved in programs for parking, special events, emergency response, liability management, neighborhood traffic calming, school safety and pedestrian safety.

      Obaid Khan, PE, Senior Project Manager, Gray-Bowen-Scott

      Mr. Khan is a registered Civil Engineer in California with over 28 years of professional experience in civil and transportation engineering. Mr. Khan recently retired from the City of Dublin, where he oversaw the Transportation Division since 2012. After retiring from Dublin, Mr. Khan joined Gray Bowen Scott as a Senior Project Manager. At the City of Dublin, he oversaw the planning, design, and construction of transportation capital projects as well as the operation of all traffic signals, intelligent transportation systems, and management of all transportation facilities.

      Prior to joining the City of Dublin, Mr. Khan managed the Transportation Division at the City of Alameda. At the City of Alameda, he oversaw the City's Transportation Commission and represented the City at various regional forums and committees. He led the development of the City's Pedestrian Master Plan, Bicycle Master Plan, and the update of the City's Transportation Element, including the creation of a multimodal street functional classification system.

  • Registration Information

      Registration for this course occurs at the TechTransfer training host site. Use the button to the right to directly access the course page and registration portal. You will be asked to create a user account as part of the registration process.

      A confirmation email will be sent to you within two business days of TechTransfer receiving your paid registration.

      If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the TechTransfer Registrar at (510) 643-4393 or

  • For more information

      To learn more about TechTransfer courses and credits, see their FAQ (

      To learn more about TechTransfer's cancellation, refund, and substitution policies, see How to Enroll (

      Cancellation Policy:

      The cancellation fee for this course is $75. At TechTransfer, there are no refunds for classes with registration fees of $75 or less. For all other classes, you may cancel your enrollment and receive a refund of your registration fee less $75, provided they receive your written request to cancel at least 5 full working days before the class is scheduled to begin. In lieu of canceling your registration, you may (1) transfer your registration to another TechTransfer class, (2) receive a tuition credit for the full amount, useable toward a future class, or (3) send a substitute in your place.

      Note: TechTransfer recommends you discuss any possible problems or online security issues with your IT person before you register for any online classes. If you are worried about connectivity issues, please contact the online training coordinator the week before the class to schedule a time to test your system. If you do not test your system and you have technical issues during a live online class, we will not provide a refund.

LTAP Subsidized

This class is offered at a reduced fee to employees of California's city, county, regional, and tribal public agencies

Course Fee

Standard Rate:

Public Agency Rate:



Course Credit

This course grants:

0.80 CEUs

Upcoming Sessions (1)

3/31/25 - 4/3/25
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PT


Need More Help?

California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872