Complete streets, transit, bikeway, and pedestrian planning, design, and performance measurement
The course will guide transportation practitioners through the evaluation and design aspects for roundabouts within a multimodal and complete-street context.
Topics covered include lane configuration, traffic operation evaluation, bike and pedestrian design, signing and striping, right of way, drainage, and landscaping consideration. Additionally, we will discuss planning and policy, safety, public involvement, operation, geometry, and other design components.
The instructor will explain lessons learned from past practices in a variety of jurisdictions including California, other states and other counties. Students who wish to receive an evaluation of real life practice are encouraged to attend.
Additional course detail is provided in the sections below.
Day 1: Why Roundabouts
Day 2: Roundabout Planning Aspects
Day 3: Roundabout Design Aspects
By the end of this course, students will understand the principles and working concepts of roundabouts within contexts of policy, planning, public involvement, design and operation.
Students will also learn about capacity analysis, crash rates, traffic calming, right of way impacts, geometric design principles, sight distance criteria, traffic operations, pedestrian and bicycle treatments, landscape, drainage as well as other system considerations.
The class will evaluate many roundabouts implemented in the US, as well as other countries in Asia and Europe.
This course will benefit transportation professionals who are involved in planning, feasibility study and design of roadway projects that may incorporate proposed intersection modifications and traffic calming.
Attendees will be able to quickly assess considerations for installing roundabouts as an alternative to traditional intersection controls.
This course is targeted to expand the knowledge of individuals with some background in evaluation and design of intersections and other mobility improvement projects, although such background is not a prerequisite for attending this training.
[no prerequisites identified]
Min Zhou, PE, Principal, KOA Corporation
With a background in both engineering and planning, Ms. Zhou offers more than 28 years of professional transportation experience in roadway design, traffic engineering, operational analysis, traffic forecast modeling, multimodal operations, and big data management. She has worked across the United States--in the Midwest, and both East and West Coasts. She has traveled to many countries to learn about their transportation systems.
In recent years, Ms. Zhou has established a reputable expertise in the areas of complete streets, active transportation, and multi-modal transportation in Southern California, and she has managed more than 50 active transportation design and planning projects. Among these projects, Ms. Zhou has developed procedures for walk audits, provided recommendations for pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements, and evaluated toolbox and design features of various pedestrian facilities. Ms. Zhou is a frequent presenter at Institution of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and other professional society conferences.
Registration for this course occurs at the TechTransfer training host site. Use the button to the right to directly access the course page and registration portal. You will be asked to create a user account as part of the registration process.
A confirmation email will be sent to you within two business days of TechTransfer receiving your paid registration.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the TechTransfer Registrar at (510) 643-4393 or
To learn more about TechTransfer courses and credits, see their FAQ (
To learn more about TechTransfer's cancellation, refund, and substitution policies, see How to Enroll (
Cancellation Policy:
The cancellation fee for this course is $75. At TechTransfer, there are no refunds for classes with registration fees of $75 or less. For all other classes, you may cancel your enrollment and receive a refund of your registration fee less $75, provided they receive your written request to cancel at least 5 full working days before the class is scheduled to begin. In lieu of canceling your registration, you may (1) transfer your registration to another TechTransfer class, (2) receive a tuition credit for the full amount, useable toward a future class, or (3) send a substitute in your place.
Note: TechTransfer recommends you discuss any possible problems or online security issues with your IT person before you register for any online classes. If you are worried about connectivity issues, please contact the online training coordinator the week before the class to schedule a time to test your system. If you do not test your system and you have technical issues during a live online class, we will not provide a refund.
This class is offered at a reduced fee to employees of California's city, county, regional, and tribal public agencies
Standard Rate:
Public Agency Rate:
This course grants:
0.75 CEUs
Delivered online
[not currently scheduled]
University of California Berkeley
Technology Transfer Program
109 McLaughlin Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: (510) 643-4393
"There can be no doubt that the transportation sector is the most critical sector of our economy."
— Robert Brady
California LTAP supports local public transportation agencies across the state by providing professional training, technical assistance, knowledge transfer, and worksite best practices and innovations that help them plan, manage, and maintain their roadway infrastructure.
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