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Highway Damage Recovery Using GIS, LiDAR, & UAS

Posted: 9/26/2023

On September 20, 2023, the Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation & System Information (DRISI) hosted a presentation on highway damage recovery as part of their webinar series "DRISI Presents".

The presentation illustrated how Caltrans North Region used Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in conjunction with Light Detection & Ranging (LiDAR) and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for state highway damage recovery efforts.

Presenters Aaron Ott and Chad Baker describe the years of work state DOTs engage in after major disasters, including pavement rehabilitation, hazardous tree removal, and landslides. 

Webinar Presenters:

  • Aaron Ott, Office of Data Services & Technology Chief, Caltrans DRISI
  • Chad Baker, Geospatial Data Officer, Caltrans

Webinar Resources:

You can check-out the webinar video below


The Caltrans Division of Research, Innovation & System Information advances California’s transportation system, develops comprehensive transportation solutions, and creates and distributes transportation-related knowledge and information.

Their webinar series "DRISI Presents" is designed to connect experts to those interested in learning more about transportation-related issues.

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