Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

Reconnecting Communities & Neighborhoods

Posted: 9/1/2023

The DOT is encouraging communities and local agencies to apply for funding through the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods (RCN) program before the deadline on September 28th, 2023, at 11:59pm EDT.

Applications can be submitted through Valid Eval for both Community Planning and Capital Construction.

RCN combines two major discretionary programs, the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) and the Neighborhood Access & Equity (NAE) program, under one NOFO. In an unprecedented effort to build good transportation infrastructure to reconnect communities to economic opportunities, this streamlined program makes it easier to submit an application and increase opportunity for communities seeking to fund projects that address harm from past infrastructure planning decisions, accelerate equitable community revitalization, and improve access to everyday destinations.

On August 23, an amendment was issued to the RCN NOFO that included the addition of Thriving Communities Language and Direct Recipient Language as well as clarifying language on requirements and eligibility. 

This year, RCN includes funding to encourage collaboration and innovation among partners to address equitable access and mobility challenges across their region. A webinar specifically focused on the Regional Partnerships Challenge Grants took place on Thursday, August 31st, 2023. Click here to access this and other recorded webinars on RCN.

For further inquiries or questions contact the RCN Team at

Reconnecting Communities

The Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) program was established under BIL to provide competitive grants that restore community connectivity by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to mobility, access, and economic development.

RCP Fact Sheet


Neighborhood Access & Equity

The NAE grant program was established under the Inflation Reduction Act to fund projects that improve walkability, safety, and affordable transportation access through context-sensitive strategies. 

NAE offers funding for planning and capacity building in disadvantaged or underserved communities, for technical assistance to local governments to facilitate efficient and effective contracting, design, and project delivery, and to build capacity for delivering surface transportation projects.

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California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872