Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

Miss a Webinar? Recordings Are Now Available

Posted: 7/1/2024

CALTAP's YouTube channel hosts all of our recorded training webinars so your team can still watch them after the live event. And if you're new to our channel, we've setup four playlists to make playback of related video content simple and straightforward:

Checkout this list of recently posted titles:

Affordable Roundabouts: Smaller, Slower, Safer (May 30, 2024)

Affordable Compact and Mini-Roundabouts are being implemented by state and local public agencies due to their low cost, quick delivery, reduced vehicle speeds, and ability to prevent up to 90% of severe crashes.

In this free 2-hour webinar, hear first-hand about Affordable and Modular Roundabouts from the Washington Department of Transportation, the City of San Diego, and our own Caltrans intersection and safety experts.

HSIP Cycle 12: Call for Projects (May 22, 2024)

The local HSIP Cycle 12 Call-for-Projects was announced on Monday, May 6, 2024. Please join the Local Safety Team at Caltrans Local Assistance and FHWA as we kick off Cycle 12.

Approximately $300M will be available to fund much needed safety projects on local roads. This recorded webinar is intended to help local agencies and tribal governments find out the level of available funding, application preparation, application submittal process, and other details you will need to submit a successful application.

Local Assistance Day: May Edition (May 10, 2024)

The Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA) hosted the May 2024 Edition of their statewide quarterly webinar "Local Assistance Day", designed to update and inform RTPAs, MPOs, local agencies, and other interested transportation parties.

This edition covers Local Assistance Updates, Value Engineering Analysis, Right of Way LAPM Revisions, Exhibit 13-A & Certification Review Process, HSIP Requirements for Cycle 12, Upcoming Office Hours & Webinars, Build a Better Mousetrap Competition.

Caltrans Division of Local Assistance

Caltrans DLA is a significant producer of important roadway transportation training for local agencies.

Overseeing over $1B in annual manged-program funding, DLA oversees roughly 1,200 new projects each year as poart of its Local Assistance Program.

Check-out the DLA blog for regular updates on trainings, compliance, and program guidance. 

The Local Technical Assistance Program 

CALTAP is part of FHWA's Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), which works behind the scenes to support agencies responsible for the operation, maintenance, and performance of America’s local roads and highways.

In California, LTAP services are delivered through a collective of university-based partners managed by the Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA), including the Cal State Long Beach Center for Internatioinal Trade & Transportation (CITT), which houses the CALTAP team.

Need More Help?

California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872