Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

Programmatic Mitigation Planning

Posted: 4/16/2024

WEBINAR: April 22, 2024, 12:00PM - 1:00PM PT [CLOSED]

The FHWA Office of Project Development & Environmental Review (HEPE) has scheduled a free 1-hour webinar to share best practices, benefits, case studies, and resources available for Programmatic Mitigation Planning.

Participants will learn about the Programmatic Mitigation Planning Guidebook developed to improve environmental outcomes and transportation project delivery. As a proactive planning tool, it serves as a resource for transportation and environmental practitioners at state DOTs, MPOs, and other transportation entities to assist in the development and implementation of programmatic mitigation plans (PMPs) for impacts of future transportation projects to environmental, cultural, historic, and other resources.

Webinar Presenters:

  • Richard L. Darden, PhD, Ecologist, FHWA Office of Planning, Environment & Realty
  • Mike Ruth, PG, Ecologist, FHWA Resource Center

Under federal law, transportation agencies and project proponents have the responsibility to mitigate unavoidable impacts to ensure the preservation of environmental and cultural resources. This webinar will explore how stakeholders can develop a PMP in coordination with other resource agencies that not only meets the statutory requirements, but also builds upon best practices in mitigation, resource science, and transportation planning.

For more information on resources related to programmatic mitigation planning visit FHWA’s Environmental Review Toolkit or contact Richard Darden at (202) 366-9509

This Event is Closed

Programmatic Mitigation Plan

Programmatic mitigation planning is an approach to mitigation that identifies opportunities and establishes mitigation plans prior to the environmental review process for potential impacts to resources based on forecasts, corridor transportation plans, and long-range transportation plans (LRTPs).

At its core, a PMP is a framework developed by a transportation agency or project proponent for mitigation strategies that help maximize the effectiveness of mitigation at a scale appropriate to offset adverse impacts for transportation projects.

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