Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

FHWA Bridge Load Rating Webinar #38

Posted: 1/5/2024

FHWA's recent "Bridge Load Rating & Beyond: FHWA Updates" webinar is now available for viewing. Number 38 in an on-going series of Bridge Load Rating presentations, these webinars are designed to provide awareness and share state of the practice, lessons learned, research advancement, and available resources.

In this recording, originally presented October 24, 2023, Derek Soden and Dr. Joey Hartmann of the FHWA Office of Bridges & Structures provide updates on FHWA’s structural engineering and bridge programs, along with other recent activities.

Webinar Presenters

  • Jonathan Buck, P.E. (FHWA), Welcome/Moderator

  • Derek Soden, S.E., P.E., FHWA Structural Engineering Programs Update

  • Joey Hartmann, Ph.D., P.E., FHWA Office of Bridges and Structures Update

Registration is required to watch this recording

Bridge Load Rating?

Bridge Load Rating is the determination of the live load-carrying capacity of a bridge, expressed as either a rating factor (RF) or specific vehicle tonnage.

This rating quantifies a bridge's ability to carry live load for design, allowable legal vehicles and overloads, to determining weight postings, and in deciding:

  • Load Postings
  • Bridge Strengthening
  • Overweight Allowances
  • Bridge Closures

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