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Resources for Rurals Recap

Posted: 11/21/2023

WEBINAR: November 29, 2023, 10:00AM - 12:00PM PT [CLOSED]

The National Center for Rural Road Safety and NLTAPA Safety Work Group are hosting a free 2-hour webinar entitled "Summit #4: Resources for Rurals Recap".

If you weren't able to join the summit in-person, take time to attend this virtual recap of the 4th National Summit on Rural Road Safety: Resources for Rurals that took place in Oklahoma from September 12-14, 2023.

Featured Topics Include

  • Overview of the Summit
  • Key Takeaways for Attendees
  • Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP) DIY Site
  • Practical Framework for Safety Analysis in GIS
  • Safe System Approach (SSA) for Speed Management
  • Traffic Calming & Place Making for Rural Communities
  • ROUTES Initiative Overview/Update


Register now to catch a glimpse at what you missed!

This Event is Closed

National Center for Rural Road Safety

The NCRRS is a premier center of excellence for training, resources, technical assistance, and education on rural road safety issues.

It provides coordinated, multidisciplinary, scalable, and accessible safety resources to rural communities to accelerate road safety improvements and save lives.

Need More Help?

California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872