Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

Strengthening Tribal Transportation

Posted: 11/14/2023

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, & Medicine (NASEM) reveals thousands of miles of roads owned by Bureau of Indian Affairs on reservations are among the most unsafe and poorly maintained. Further, despite Indian Country's 160,000+ miles of roadway eligible for federal funding, their transportation systems continue to remain underdeveloped.

The report also notes a lack of public transportation on many reservations which, combined with roads in need of repair and in rural locations, complicates access to quality health care, food, education, and employment for many American Indian and Alaska Native people.

During Native American Heritage Month (NAHM), the Transportation Research Board (TRB) is spotlighting resources to strengthen the safety and services of tribal transportation:

Visit TRB for more information & resources on tribal transportation

Native American Heritage Month

Observed annually, Native American Heritage Month celebrates the rich cultures, traditions, histories, and contributions of Native Americans.

Throughout November, NAMH events, educational programs, and cultural activities provide an opportunity to learn about the heritage of indigenous communities, honor their resilience and accomplishments, and raise awareness about the challenges they face today.

NHPA & Section 106

The 1966 National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) was established to curb the impact on historical and cultural places resulting from federal urban renewal & Interstate Highway System programs.

Section 106 of NHPA requires federal agencies to (a) account for their impact on historical properties listed in or eligible for the National Register, and (b) provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation an opportunity to comment on the agency’s actions.

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