Key highlights on regulations, policies, and program funding for the transportation professional

Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Grants

Posted: 11/8/2023

The EPA Office of Transportation & Air Quality (OTAQ) is soliciting applications under the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions. DERA provides funding to accelerate the upgrade, retrofit, and turnover of legacy diesel fleet vehicles and equipment.

Priority for funding will be given to projects that engage and benefit local communities already overburdened by air pollution, protect grant funded investments from severe weather events caused by climate change, and applicants that demonstrate their ability to promote and continue efforts to reduce emissions after the project has ended.

Eligible activities include the retrofit or replacement of existing diesel engines, vehicles, and equipment with EPA and CARB-certified engine configurations and verified retrofit and idle reduction technologies.

The EPA anticipates awarding approximately $115M under this NOFO, including $58M in FY2022 and $57M in FY2023. 

Applications must be submitted electronically via NLT Friday,
December 1, 2023 (11:59pm ET) to be considered. Visit
 EPA for more information

Office of Transportation & Air Quality

EPA's OTAQ works to protect human health and the environment by reducing air pollution and GHG emissions from mobile sources and their fuels, advancing clean fuel technology, and encouraging practices that minimize emissions.

OTAQ addresses emissions across the range of mobile sources: cars, light & large trucks, buses, farm & construction equipment, lawn & garden equipment, marine engines, aircraft, and trains.

Diesel Emissions Reduction Act

Created under the Energy Policy Act of 2005, DERA gave the EPA new grant and loan authority to begin promoting diesel emission reductions.

In 2020, DERA was reauthorized for up to $100M annually through FY2024 and continues to award grants and rebates to achieve diesel emissions reduction.

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California LTAP Center

Phone: (562) 985-2872