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Becoming a Tech-Savvy DOT of Tomorrow

Posted: 10/24/2023

NCHRP has recently released "Becoming a Tech-Savvy DOT of Tomorrow", which provides a playbook for agencies to follow for defining and strategically addressing the impacts of disruptive technologies on transportation outcomes and on the performance of business units within DOTs

Over the last several years, the transportation industry has been presented with multiple technologies and trends that have "disrupted" business as usual at state DOTs and other transportation agencies. These technologies include everything from new transportation modes (such as scooters) to new data sources, communication technologies, and trends (like growth in e-commerce), and they present challenges as well as opportunities for transportation agencies in both performance and customer service.

Supplemental to the report is NCHRP Web-Only Document 371 "Impact of New Disruptive Technologies on the Performance of DOTs" which offers a guide for state DOTs and other transportation planning agencies to understand, predict, plan for, and adapt to the potential impacts of emerging disruptive technologies.

Access the full report here

Who is NCHRP?

The National Cooperative Highway Research Program conducts research in problem areas that affect highway planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance in the United States.

Administered under the Transportation Research Board (TRB), NCHRP is a collaborative effort between the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the National Academy of Sciences.

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